• MNC (map)
  • 362 Capp Street
  • San Francisco, CA, 94110
  • United States

You've heard us talk about Ponche before -- it's a rhythm you can hear all over Timba. But what about Ponche Revé, Chiquita, or Especulación? These are all different rhythms surrounding the Ponche, and Cenicienta by Calle Real uses 8 different kinds of these rhythms!

Rueda con Ritmo is hosting a two-hour musicality and dance workshop with Or Gadish on Sat, 3/23 (Clave Day) about learning to listen for these rhythms and how to add them into your social dancing. The workshop is open to all dancers who have completed the Rueda Con Ritmo Level 2 curriculum or equivalent.

Musicality is a critical component of dancing and we are excited to have Or as our special guest to teach this workshop.

RegistER Here (Sliding scale $20 - $30 - $40)